2016 Japanese Skit Contest for University and College Students 大学生日本語スキットコンテスト

2016 Japanese Skit Contest for University and College Students 大学生日本語スキットコンテスト

This contest is aimed at improving the communication proficiency of Japanese language learners in Malaysian colleges and universities.

Theme of the Video
‘SATO GAERI’ (里帰り) | All videos must clearly depict this theme. Contestants are encouraged to use the Japanese language as creatively as possible to get the message across.

This contest is open to all Malaysian citizens (except native Japanese speaker whose either parent is Japanese) who are currently pursuing an undergraduate, diploma or advanced diploma course at a college or university in Malaysia. Japanese language teachers are not eligible. Each college and university may only recommend a maximum of three (3) groups, whereas different campuses
or faculties within a college or university may each recommend up to three (3) groups. Additionally, officially-recognised Japanese language/cultural clubs at a college or university may each recommend only one (1) group. Contesting groups must have no more than five (5) members.

Contest Period
All entries (Application Form and Skit Manuscript) must reach JFKL by 4.00 p.m., 30 November 2016. Videos must be uploaded on YouTube through the Contesting Group’s account and set as “Unlisted” before the deadline. Please refer to the Contest Rules and Regulations for further details.

All applications must to be sent to:
The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur
Japanese Language Department

18th Floor, Northpoint, Block B,
Mid Valley City, No.1 Medan Syed Putra,
59200 Kuala Lumpur.
(Attn: Ms. Hasline / Mr. Nobli)

Further information
Please contact Ms. Hasline/Mr. Nobli at 03 2284 7228 or via email at nihongo@jfkl.org.my

Winners and Prizes
The announcement of results for the contest will be posted on The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur’s website by 31 January, 2017. Certificates and prizes will be given to the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners. Certificates of Participation will be given to all Contestants.

i. Entry form
ii. Contest guidelines & rules
iii. Instructions for uploading videos to Youtube
iv. Instructions for setting videos as “Unlisted”
v. Skit contest flyer